On that first Noel, the wise men never returned to Herod but bowed their knee to the infant King of Israel.
Read MoreWe need to be saved from our sin and God’s resulting wrath. So, for those who believe in Christ and trust him for salvation, Christmas is a blessed time, full of hope! As Romans 10:11 says, "Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame."
Read MoreJesus is the uncreated Word of the Father, God the Son who helped hang the lights in the sky and breathe life into mankind. The baby in the manger is the same God who said, “Let there be light.” The star that shone over Bethlehem symbolized the light that shone from him into the darkness, and the darkness, try as is it might, could not overcome it.
Read MoreThe shepherds went to worship him at the manger, then they went back to glorifying God and telling all that they had seen and heard. How beautiful were the feet of those shepherds who preached the good news over the hills and everywhere?
Read MoreHis appearance was not charming, he had no majesty or beauty on earth as he did in Heaven, and he died like the worst kind of criminal; however, he proved he was truly Lord of all, even death when he walked out of his own grave.
Read MoreYet, only shepherds and farm animals bore witness to the miraculous birth of Christ in the little town that night. Even as Jesus began his ministry, the Pharisees doubted his validity in part due to his humble beginnings. But no one spoke like the prophet from Bethlehem. No one ever will. Thanks be to the holy Child of Bethlehem who takes our sins and dwells with us.
Read MoreThis song reminds us of that for which we are waiting- the second coming (or advent) of Christ. For Christians, the celebration of Christmas is bittersweet because we are still waiting for Christ’s return. It’s an already but not yet season, in which we are called to give all glory to Christ.
Read MoreThe nations have received their King. The whole earth has received its salvation. Far as the curse is found, the cure was born to a virgin and placed in a feeding trough. The Advent is not for just for Israel, it is for the nations.
Read MoreUpon the advent of Christ, all who believe have the assurance that the salvation promised in Genesis 3 is secured by his death and resurrection. The baby in the manger grew up to be the One who crushed the Serpent’s head. Take comfort in the glad tidings (good news) of God the Son being born to secure our salvation.
Read MoreThere God told Ezekiel that he would remove sinner’s cold dead hearts and replace them with beating hearts of flesh. These are spiritual hearts that keep on beating long after our physical, mortal hearts stop. These are hearts bought by the Heaven-born Prince of Peace. Jesus was born so that we would stop being dead and come alive. The Advent signaled the death of death in birth, life, and death of the new-born King.
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